6 Items that Should Never be Flushed Down the Toilet

If you want to ensure that you will never experience a clogged toilet, then make sure to maintain it properly. This means that you should never flush anything else in your toilet apart from human waste and toilet paper. This article lists down some of the things that should never make it down your toilet.

Baby Wipes

One of the most usual culprits when it comes to clogged toilets is baby wipes. According to a seasoned water leak and burst pipe plumber, even those that are labelled as flushable wipes should not go down your toilet because while these may disintegrate, it may take a long period of time to do so. This means that it can still accumulate other debris that may cause a clog in your drain.

Cotton Products

Cotton pads or buds should also never make it down your toilet. While they seem to be insignificant and won’t likely cause a clog in your pipes by themselves, other objects can get caught up in them, causing a large block to form. For this reason, make sure to always dispose of these cotton products properly.

Feminine Hygiene Products

Your sanitary napkins should only be thrown in the trash can and not flushed down your toilet. These alone can already cause a clog in your pipes, making your toilet inefficient in flushing down wastes. In addition to this, sanitary napkins even absorb water, which means that they will most likely expand when you flush them.

Cat Litter

You may have seen cat litter products that are labelled as flushable. Even so, you need to ensure that they don’t make it down your toilet. Keep in mind that most toilets are not designed with enough water to move the litter seamlessly through your pipes.

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Even your expired prescription drugs should not be flushed in your toilet. True enough, they won’t cause a clog because these are quite small compared to the other items that may block your pipes. However, medications can contaminate your water supply in the long run, particularly if you keep up with this habit.


You may be surprised to know that bleach should never make it down your toilet either. Many people even use bleach to clean their toilets. However, since bleach is often made from harmful chemicals, it can eventually cause damage to your septic system.

Final Word

The items listed above should never make it down your drain. Otherwise, you are presenting yourself with the inconvenient problem of having to deal with a clogged toilet. Remember that apart from being inconvenient, dealing with this can also prove to be costly.